Square Lyon

Sound Installation
Auditorium of Lyon

Square is an interactive installation created by Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch . This version was conceived for Lyon’s Auditorium. Commissioned by GRAME Biennale de Musique. Square’s soundscapes change the way we interpret reality, giving you a kind of cinematographic experience. Like an invisible presence, it “square stays there, waiting for people who wants to experience this contemplative and innovative way to watch the world. The sound walk leads the visitor across the place, following the steps of a man who tells his story in a succession of sound scenes associated to particular spots of the environment. The installation explores the impact of realistic and congruent augmented soundscapes upon spectators immersion, and how it can be used to blend fiction and reality.

Try Square Lyon HERE

Conception and realisation Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch Assistant par Victor Audouze Leading voice Aude Léger

Contributes by Bernard Caille, Benoit Cambreling, Amir ElSaffar, Martine Essayan, Deborah Lopatin, Philippe Rahm et Szuhwa Wu. Research and développement David Poirier-Quinot, Benjamin Matuszewski In collaboration with Olivier Warusfel (Espaces acoustiques et cognitifs, IRCAM-STMS), Norbert Schnell, Frederic Bevilacqua, Benjamin Matuszewski (Interaction son musique mouvement, IRCAM-STMS).

A production by PLATÔ/ coproduction GRAME – Centre national de création musicale, Auditorium Orchestre National de Lyon, Ircam-Centre Pompidou.

video : Matteo Ninni www.smauz.org