Sound Installation
Danza Urbana
Square Bologna is an interactive installation that is deeply linked to the space for which it is conceived because it is in close dialogue with the environment in which it is located.
At the crossroads between reality and fiction, Square Bologna is a strange guided tour in an area of the historic center, a soundwalk capable of altering, through sound, the perception of places and paths.
The audience – equipped with headphones – is immersed in a universe of sound capable of expanding the real towards the unreal. Equipped with a headset and connected via the smartphone and the 3G-4G network to a web page, each participant will be invited to follow the instructions of a voice that will guide him towards a precise and personal listening, to discover sound and urban space , the reality that surrounds us, and that is constantly manipulated, conditioned and remodeled by the sound that passes through it.
The work, produced by IRCAM – Center Pompidou in Paris, premiered at the Urban Dance Festival and created specifically for Bologna, will become part of the new exhibition of the Foundation for Urban Innovation.
1) Complete experience: go to the Foundation for Urban Innovation, in the courtyard behind the main square, connect your smartphone, connect headphones, follow the “walk” of the installation.
2) Just to get an idea: connect your device (computer, tablet or mobile phone) to the site and follow the path in a virtual way.
Concept and composition: Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch
Research and development: David Poirier-Quinot, Benjamin Matuszewski
Leading voice: Fiorenza Menni
Background: Michele di Stefano
Assistant: Victor Audouze
In collaboration with: David Poirier-Quinot, Olivier Warusfel (Espaces acoustiques et cognitifs, IRCAM-STMS), Norbert Schnell, Frederic Bevilacqua, Benjamin Matuszewski (Interaction son musique mouvement, IRCAM-STMS), scientific consultants IRCAM In the context of Artistic Research Residency of IRCAM Production IRCAM-Center Pompidou, Ornithology Productions Co-production KLM, Festival Danza Urbana
executive producer PLATÔ
With the participation of Marco Pasqualicchio, Giovanni Ginocchini, Valentina Picello, Massimo Carosi, Benno Steinegger, Deborah Lopatin, Szuwha Wu, Amir Elsaffar. Event organized in collaboration with ATER – Multidisciplinary Circuit, FIU – Foundation for Urban Innovation The interactive web technologies used were developed during the CoSiMa (Collaborative Situated Media) project supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and coordinated by IRCAM-Center Pompidou
Festival Danza Urbana 2019
Video: Matteo Ninni
try here square bologna