RADICANTS With Ballake Sissoko, Album OUT.
INNER SPACES With Amir El Saffar, Album out on March 21 2025.
NOTES ON THE MEMORY OF NOTES with Adèle Viret and Fabrizio Cassol, Album Recording and mixing.
January 17 Spirits (radio edit), Inner Spaces , w/ Amir ElSaffar ——— out on all platforms.
January 27 – 31 Notes on the memory of notes, Artistic Residency, Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France.
February 4 5 6 7 Notes on the memory of notes , Album Recording, GMEM, Marseille
February 7 River, Inner Spaces , w/ Amir ElSaffar ——— out on all platforms.
February 28 Pas de deux, Inner Spaces , w/ Amir ElSaffar ——— out on all platforms.
March 5 Inner Spaces, Festival FOG, Milano, Italy.
March 21 Inner Spaces, ——— ALBUM OUT, physical and digital.
May 8 Notes on the memory of notes, official première, Festival Propagation, Fondation Camargo, Cassis, France
October-December Artistic residency Villa Albertine, New York, USA.
November 19 Radicants, Friche Belle de Mai, GMEM, Marseille.
October 19 Inner Spaces, BricJazzFest, Brooklyn, NY.
October 14 Inner Spaces, FabbricaEuropa, Florence.
October 13 Inner Spaces, Festival Aperto, Theatre Valli, Reggio Emilia.
September 22-29 Notes on the memory of notes, artistic residency, GMEM, Marseille.
September 19 Notes on the memory of notes, Castelsant’angelo, Rome
September 8 Veduta, with MK, Festival Danza Urbana, Bologna.
February 27 Radicants, Teatro Grande, Brescia, Italy.
April 26 Radicants, Bozar, Bruxelles, Belgium.
March 1 Body without organs, with BOD, Muffathalle, Munich, Germany.
Mai 25 Veduta, with MK, Sondrio, Italy.
June 8 Veduta, with MK, Bergamo, Italy.
June 15 Veduta, with MK, Lugano, Switzerland.
February 04 Radicants, Zone Libre, Bastia, France.
February 08 Maqam, Theater Galli, Rimini, Italy.
February 10-11 Maqam, Cango, Firenze, Italy
February 11 Bayadère – Il regno delle ombre, Festival Equilibrio, Auditorium, Rome, Italy
March 04 Bayadère – Il regno delle ombre, Theater Curci, Barletta , Italy.
March 14 Bayadère – Il regno delle ombre, TanzMainz Festival , Mainz, Germany.
March 15 Radicants, Fog festival, Triennale of Milano, Italy.
March 16 Bayadère – Il regno delle ombre, Teatro Comunale, Mirano, Italy.
March 17 Bayadère – Il regno delle ombre, Teatro Comunale, Treviso, Italy.
March 18 Bayadère – Il regno delle ombre, Teatro Russolo, Portogruaro, Italy.
March 22 Bayadère – Il regno delle ombre, Teatro Civico, Tortona, Italy.
March 23 Bayadère – Il regno delle ombre, Teatro Astra, Torino, Italy.
March 24 Bayadère – Il regno delle ombre, Teatro Morlacchi, Perugia, Italy.
March 30 Bayadère – Il regno delle ombre, Belgrado Dance Festival, Serbia.
May 11 Body Without Organ, Ballet Of Difference ‘première’ , Koeln, Germany.
May 15 Another Option – New album release on Ornithology Productions.
July 07 and 08 Open Land, SMACH art biennale and SuperPark, Trentino Alto Adige, Italy.
September 30 Inner Spaces, Pierre Boulez Salle, Berlin, Germany. – With Amir Elsaffar
October 07 Radicants, Festival Aperto, Reggio Emilia, Italy – With Ballaké Sissoko
October 22 Notes on the melody of Notes, Festival POTE, Besançon. – With Fabrizio Cassol and Adele Viret
November 8 9 10 12 Sierras , Opera de Nancy, Ballet de Lorraine, France – With Michele Di Stefano
November 19 Radicants, Auditorium Roma, Festival RomaEuropa, Rome. – With Ballaké Sissoko
November 22 Maqam, Teatro Goldoni, Venice, Italy. – With MK.
December 02 Parete Nord, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, Bari – With MK
December 08 Maqam, Pesaro, Italy – With MK.
February 11 18 Metric Dozen , Schauspiel Koeln, Germany
February 26 Bayadère, Nuovo Balletto di Toscana, Teatro Petrarca, Arezzo, Italy.
March 04 05 06 Maqam, Teatro India, Rome, Italy
March 08 09 Maqam, Triennale di Milano, Italy
March 12 13 Metric Dozen , Schauspiel Koeln, Germany
March 13 Inside Spaces, Pierre Boulez Salle, Berlin, Germany
March 16 Bayadère, Nuovo Balletto di Toscana , Teatro Ponchielli, Cremona, Italy
March 18 Bayadère, Nuovo Balletto di Toscana, Teatro Sperimentale, Pesaro , Italy
March 31 Bayadère, Nuovo Balletto di Toscana, Teatro Comunale, Russi , Italy
March 26 27 Square Lyon, B!ME, Biennale de Musique de Lyon, Auditorium Lyon, France
April 01 02 Metric Dozen , Schauspiel Koeln, Germany
April 07 Radicants, Maison de la Culture de Grenoble, Detours de Babel, Grenoble, France
May 6 Bayadère, Nuovo Balletto di Toscana,Palazzo della Regione, Padova, Italy
September 24 Radicants, Royaumont Abbey, France
October 09 Radicants Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, Paris
October 11 Radicants Théâtre de Saint-Quentin en Yvelines — Scène Nationale, France.
October 15 Radicants Points communs – Nouvelle scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise ,et du Val d’Oise, France.
November 01 Inside Spaces , Pioneer Works, New York , USA
April 30 All for one and one for the money, Koln
May 02 All for one and one for the money, Koln
May 06 — 07 All for one and one for the money, Koln
May 8 — 9 Ircam residency, Paris
May 15 — 16 Parete Nord Teatro Argentina, Rome
May 30 Bayadère Teatro Sociale, Trento
June 20 — 30 Artistic Residency Maqam, Callabiana
July 5 — 12 Artistic residency Square at Ircam, Paris
July 12 — 26 Artistic residency for Radicants, Fondation Camargo, Cassis
September 18 — 26 Artistic residency Maqam, Collegno
September 25 Square Lavanderia a vapore, Collegno
October 11 — 17 Maqam, Artistic residency, Reggio Emilia
October 17 Maqam, Reggio Emilia
October 25 — 31 Inside Spaces, Artistic Residency, New York
November 09 Inside Spaces, Pioneer works, Brooklyn New York
December 10 Made All Walking, Koln
December 13 — 19 Radicants Artistic residency, Grenoble