Ballet of Difference.
Richard Siegal asked me to compose a music that has to deal with a crossover show.
Dancers and actors are on the same stage together. Music is build with essential bricks: drumsets, loops, fragments from television jingles totally rearranged. A kind of empty soundscape that suddenly is able to become a music structure.
Language fragments burst into the audience in an extremely brutal fashion like the performers through the paper wall. In guerilla fighter outfits. Screaming. An overkill consisting of words, sentences, slogans. Does anyone here still understand anything? Verbal communication breaks down in these thunderstorms of media community language. It sinks between fake news, it crumbles into a senseless babble, worn down by attributions, bans on speaking, hysterical tirades of hate. Everyone has the right to have their own truth. Choreographer Richard Siegal wrote the text himself for four dancers in his company Ballet of Difference, located in Munich, and five actors from the municipal theaters in Cologne. A breathless crossover spectacle, brimming with off-key humor and touching moments of dance poetry.